
Make a coffee - Why more infrastructure incidents can be a good thing

How to improve your team’s incident management process by embracing more incidents.


Infrastructure incidents, such as network outages or data breaches, are often viewed as negative events that should be avoided at all costs. However, this perspective ignores the fact that infrastructure incidents can also be valuable learning opportunities. By actively managing and learning from infrastructure incidents, organizations can improve the reliability and efficiency of their systems and processes, and ultimately build stronger, more resilient infrastructure. In this article, we will explore the benefits of embracing infrastructure incidents as opportunities for growth and improvement, and discuss the dangers of avoiding or hiding infrastructure incidents.

Definition of “infrastructure incident”

An infrastructure incident is an event or series of events that disrupts or has the potential to disrupt the operation of an organization’s infrastructure, which refers to the underlying systems, processes, and technologies that support the organization’s operations. Infrastructure incidents can include things like network outages, data breaches, server failures, and other disruptions to the availability, security, or performance of the organization’s infrastructure. The impact of an infrastructure incident can range from minor inconvenience to significant disruption of business operations, depending on the severity of the incident and the organization’s preparedness to respond.

The common tendency to view infrastructure incidents as negative events

It is common for organizations to view infrastructure incidents as negative events because they can cause disruptions to business operations and can have negative impacts on customers and stakeholders. Infrastructure incidents can lead to lost productivity, revenue, and customer trust, and can also damage an organization’s reputation. As a result, it is natural for organizations to prioritize the prevention and minimization of infrastructure incidents, and to view them as negative events that should be avoided if possible. However, it is important for organizations to also recognize that infrastructure incidents can be valuable learning opportunities, and that embracing and managing infrastructure incidents proactively can ultimately lead to stronger, more resilient infrastructure and a more robust organization overall.

The purpose of the article: to argue that more infrastructure incidents can be beneficial

The purpose of an article that argues that more infrastructure incidents can be beneficial would be to challenge the common perspective that views infrastructure incidents as negative events that should be avoided at all costs. The article could present evidence and arguments to support the idea that, rather than being something to be feared, infrastructure incidents can be valuable learning opportunities that can help organizations improve their infrastructure and operations. The article might highlight the benefits of actively managing and learning from infrastructure incidents, such as the opportunity to identify and fix problems before they become more serious, the potential for improving efficiency and reliability through incident-driven optimization, and the opportunity to build stronger, more resilient infrastructure through proactive incident management. The article could also discuss the dangers of avoiding or hiding infrastructure incidents, and the importance of transparency in incident management.

The benefits of learning from infrastructure incidents:

  • Identifying and fixing problems: Infrastructure incidents can reveal weaknesses in systems and processes that may not have been apparent otherwise. By actively managing and learning from these incidents, organizations can identify and fix problems before they become more serious.
  • Improving efficiency and reliability: Infrastructure incidents can be opportunities to optimize systems and processes, resulting in improved efficiency and reliability. For example, if an incident reveals a bottleneck in a system, the organization can address the issue and improve the overall performance of the system.
  • Building stronger, more resilient infrastructure: By actively managing and learning from infrastructure incidents, organizations can build stronger, more resilient infrastructure. This can be achieved through continuous improvement and the identification and elimination of potential points of failure.
  • Increasing customer trust and loyalty: By responding to infrastructure incidents in a transparent and effective manner, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust and loyalty. This can be particularly important in the aftermath of a significant incident.

How infrastructure incidents can reveal weaknesses in systems and processes

Infrastructure incidents can reveal weaknesses in systems and processes in a number of ways. For example:

  • Failure points: When an infrastructure incident occurs, it can reveal the specific components or processes that failed or contributed to the incident. This can help organizations identify weaknesses or points of failure in their systems and processes that need to be addressed.
  • Bottlenecks: Infrastructure incidents can also reveal bottlenecks or other inefficiencies in systems and processes. For example, if an incident is caused by a system being overloaded, it may be a sign that the system is not optimized or is not capable of handling the volume of traffic it is receiving.
  • Outdated or inadequate systems: Infrastructure incidents can sometimes be caused by outdated or inadequate systems that are unable to meet the needs of the organization. This can be a sign that the organization needs to invest in newer or more capable systems to support its operations.

By actively managing and learning from infrastructure incidents, organizations can identify and address these weaknesses and improve the reliability and efficiency of their systems and processes.

The opportunity to identify and fix problems before they become more serious

Infrastructure incidents can provide organizations with the opportunity to identify and fix problems before they become more serious. When an incident occurs, it can reveal weaknesses or problems in systems and processes that may not have been apparent otherwise. By actively managing and learning from these incidents, organizations can identify and address these issues before they lead to more significant disruptions or problems. This can help organizations avoid the costly and time-consuming consequences of more serious incidents, such as lost productivity, revenue, and customer trust. By proactively managing and learning from infrastructure incidents, organizations can improve their ability to identify and fix problems before they become more serious and costly to address.

The potential for improving efficiency and reliability through incident-driven optimization

Incident-driven optimization refers to the process of using infrastructure incidents as opportunities to improve the efficiency and reliability of systems and processes. When an incident occurs, it can reveal bottlenecks or inefficiencies in systems and processes that may not have been apparent otherwise. By actively managing and learning from these incidents, organizations can identify and address these issues, resulting in improved efficiency and reliability.

For example, if an incident is caused by a system being overloaded, the organization could optimize the system by improving its performance or capacity, or by implementing load balancing to distribute traffic more evenly across multiple servers. By addressing the root cause of the incident, the organization can improve the overall performance and reliability of the system.

Incident-driven optimization can also involve implementing new processes or technologies to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. For example, if an incident is caused by a security vulnerability, the organization could implement new security measures or update its security protocols to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Overall, incident-driven optimization can help organizations improve the efficiency and reliability of their systems and processes, leading to better performance and a stronger, more resilient infrastructure.

The dangers of avoiding or hiding infrastructure incidents:

  • Risks of ignoring or downplaying incidents: By avoiding or downplaying infrastructure incidents, organizations risk ignoring or failing to address underlying problems that could lead to more serious disruptions or problems in the future. This can be particularly dangerous if the incident reveals a weakness or vulnerability that needs to be addressed to prevent future incidents.
  • Consequences of a culture of blame and secrecy: A tendency to avoid or hide infrastructure incidents can create a culture of blame and secrecy, which can discourage transparency and hinder the organization’s ability to learn from and improve upon incidents. This can lead to a lack of accountability and a lack of progress in improving systems and processes.
  • Negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty: Infrastructure incidents can have negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty, particularly if they are not addressed transparently and effectively. By avoiding or hiding incidents, organizations risk damaging their reputation and losing the trust of their customers. This can be particularly damaging in the aftermath of a significant incident.

The risks of ignoring or downplaying infrastructure incidents

Ignoring or downplaying infrastructure incidents can have significant risks for organizations. Some of these risks include:

  • Unresolved problems: By ignoring or downplaying incidents, organizations risk leaving underlying problems unresolved, which can lead to more serious disruptions or problems in the future.
  • Increased likelihood of future incidents: Ignoring or downplaying incidents can also increase the likelihood of future incidents, as the organization may not be addressing the root causes of the original incident.
  • Costly consequences: Ignoring or downplaying incidents can lead to costly consequences, such as lost productivity, revenue, and customer trust. These consequences can be particularly damaging in the aftermath of a significant incident.

Overall, ignoring or downplaying infrastructure incidents can have significant negative impacts on an organization’s operations and reputation. It is important for organizations to proactively manage and learn from infrastructure incidents in order to mitigate these risks and improve the reliability and efficiency of their systems and processes.

The consequences of a culture of blame and secrecy

  • Lack of accountability: In a culture of blame and secrecy, individuals may be reluctant to report or disclose incidents, which can make it difficult to identify and address underlying problems. This can lead to a lack of accountability, as those responsible for incidents may not be held accountable for their actions.
  • Inability to learn from and improve upon incidents: A culture of blame and secrecy can discourage transparency and hinder the organization’s ability to learn from and improve upon incidents. This can lead to a lack of progress in improving systems and processes.
  • Negative impacts on employee morale: A culture of blame and secrecy can also have negative impacts on employee morale, as individuals may feel that they are not supported or protected if they report incidents. This can lead to a decrease in employee engagement and productivity.

Overall, a culture of blame and secrecy can have significant negative impacts on an organization’s operations and culture. It is important for organizations to promote transparency and a culture of continuous learning and improvement in order to address infrastructure incidents effectively and proactively.

The potential for negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty

Infrastructure incidents can have negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty, particularly if they are not addressed transparently and effectively. Customers may lose trust in an organization if they feel that the organization is not taking their needs or concerns seriously, or if they feel that the organization is not being transparent about the incident. This can lead to a loss of customer loyalty, as customers may choose to do business with a competitor instead. In the aftermath of a significant incident, the negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty can be particularly damaging to an organization’s reputation and bottom line. In order to minimize these negative impacts, it is important for organizations to be transparent and responsive in their incident management and to prioritize the needs and concerns of their customers.

The importance of transparency in infrastructure incident management:

Transparency is an important aspect of infrastructure incident management, as it can help organizations build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders. Some key points on the importance of transparency in incident management include:

  • Open communication: By communicating openly and transparently about infrastructure incidents, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust. This can involve providing timely updates on the status of an incident and its resolution, as well as being transparent about the root causes of the incident and the steps being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
  • Incident post-mortem reports: Incident post-mortem reports can be a useful tool for providing transparency about infrastructure incidents. These reports can provide detailed information about the root causes of an incident, the steps taken to resolve the incident, and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. By sharing these reports with customers and stakeholders, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and continuous improvement.
  • Building trust and credibility: By being transparent and open about infrastructure incidents, organizations can build trust and credibility with their customers and stakeholders. This can be particularly important in the aftermath of a significant incident, as it can help rebuild customer trust and loyalty.

Overall, transparency is an important aspect of effective incident management, and can help organizations build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders.

The benefits of open communication and transparency during and after infrastructure incidents

There are several benefits to open communication and transparency during and after infrastructure incidents:

  • Customer satisfaction: By providing timely and transparent updates during an incident, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and help minimize the impact of the incident on their customers. This can help build trust and loyalty with customers and stakeholders.
  • Trust and credibility: By being transparent about the root causes of an incident and the steps being taken to resolve it, organizations can build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders. This can be particularly important in the aftermath of a significant incident.
  • Continuous improvement: By being transparent about the root causes of an incident and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement. This can help build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders, and can also help improve the reliability and efficiency of systems and processes.
  • Learning from incidents: Open communication and transparency can also facilitate the learning process following an incident. By sharing information about the incident and its resolution, organizations can facilitate discussions and exchange of ideas that can help identify and address underlying problems and improve systems and processes.

Overall, open communication and transparency during and after infrastructure incidents can help organizations build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders, and can facilitate the learning process and continuous improvement efforts.

The role of incident post-mortem reports in improving systems and processes

Incident post-mortem reports are documents that provide detailed information about infrastructure incidents, including the root causes of the incident, the steps taken to resolve the incident, and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. These reports can play an important role in improving systems and processes by providing a thorough and transparent account of the incident and its resolution.

Some specific ways in which incident post-mortem reports can help improve systems and processes include:

  • Identifying and addressing underlying problems: Incident post-mortem reports can help organizations identify and address the root causes of an incident, rather than just focusing on the symptoms. By identifying and addressing underlying problems, organizations can improve the reliability and efficiency of their systems and processes.
  • Continuous improvement: Incident post-mortem reports can also facilitate continuous improvement efforts by providing a record of the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. This can help organizations identify areas for improvement and implement changes to prevent future incidents.
  • Learning from incidents: Incident post-mortem reports can also facilitate the learning process following an incident. By sharing these reports with relevant stakeholders, organizations can facilitate discussions and exchange of ideas that can help identify and address underlying problems and improve systems and processes.

Overall, incident post-mortem reports can be a valuable tool for improving systems and processes by providing a transparent and detailed account of infrastructure incidents and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The potential for building trust and credibility through transparent incident management

Transparent incident management can help organizations build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders. By being open and transparent about infrastructure incidents and the steps being taken to resolve them, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. This can help rebuild trust and loyalty with customers and stakeholders in the aftermath of a significant incident, and can also help build trust and credibility with new customers.

Some specific ways in which transparent incident management can help build trust and credibility include:

  • Timely and transparent updates: By providing timely and transparent updates during an incident, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and help minimize the impact of the incident on their customers. This can help build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders.
  • Incident post-mortem reports: Incident post-mortem reports can also help build trust and credibility by providing a transparent and detailed account of the incident and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. By sharing these reports with customers and stakeholders, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. -Responsive and transparent incident resolution: By responding to and resolving incidents in a transparent and effective manner, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders. This can be particularly important in the aftermath of a significant incident.

Overall, transparent incident management can help organizations


It is important to recognize that infrastructure incidents are not always negative events that should be avoided at all costs. By actively managing and learning from these incidents, organizations can improve the reliability and efficiency of their systems and processes, and ultimately build stronger, more resilient infrastructure. This can be achieved through identifying and fixing problems before they become more serious, improving efficiency and reliability through incident-driven optimization, and building stronger, more resilient infrastructure through proactive incident management.

However, it is also important to recognize the dangers of avoiding or hiding infrastructure incidents, as this can lead to unresolved problems, increased likelihood of future incidents, and costly consequences. A culture of blame and secrecy can also hinder an organization’s ability to learn from and improve upon incidents, and can have negative impacts on employee morale.

In order to effectively manage and learn from infrastructure incidents, organizations should prioritize transparency and open communication, and should use incident post-mortem reports as a tool for continuous improvement. By embracing infrastructure incidents as opportunities for growth and improvement, organizations can build stronger, more resilient infrastructure and a more robust organization overall.

Recap of the main points of the article

  • Infrastructure incidents can be valuable learning opportunities that can help organizations improve their infrastructure and operations.
  • The benefits of learning from infrastructure incidents include the opportunity to identify and fix problems before they become more serious, the potential for improving efficiency and reliability through incident-driven optimization, and the opportunity to build stronger, more resilient infrastructure through proactive incident management.
  • The dangers of avoiding or hiding infrastructure incidents include the risks of ignoring or downplaying incidents, the consequences of a culture of blame and secrecy, and the potential for negative impacts on customer trust and loyalty.
  • Transparency is an important aspect of effective incident management, and can help organizations build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders.
  • Incident post-mortem reports can play an important role in improving systems and processes by providing a transparent and detailed account of infrastructure incidents and the actions being taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
  • By embracing infrastructure incidents as opportunities for growth and improvement, organizations can build stronger, more resilient infrastructure and a more robust organization overall.
